Thursday 30 April 2015


Hello bloggers:

There are many researches of the existence of mermaids, but are they real or is verything false? 

Mermaids are legendary aquatic creatures with the upper part of the body of a woman and a fish tail. The origin of mermaids can be found in the beliefs of early civilizations, who believed that life came from the sea. 

The legend says that Mermaids were creatures half female half bird. They were partners of Persephone, but she was kidnapped by Hades. As they couldn´t save her, Persephone’s mother turned them into half female, half fish, for revenge.

It is said that mermaids lived in Artemisia’s island and they have a melodic singing like birds, in addition they were really attractive and seductive which caught the sailors eye, who felt attracted and incited to hand over to the sea. After being cheated, they were eaten by mermaids.

When I think about mermaids I imagine them as very beautiful women with long and wavy hair and with a colorful tail. Nevertheless, when someone tries to prove the existence of mermaids they are always ugly or deformed.

Many people have said that they have seen a mermaid, so I am going to tell you some of these occurrences.

For instance in 1493 Christopher Columbus said to have seen three female forms on a Caribbean Island, but they were no as pretty as always perceived to be.

During World War II, Japanese soldiers claimed to have seen several mermaids on the shore of Kei Islands in Indonesia. They had human faces and limbs; they also had spikes on their heads and long fins. They claimed to have seen them swimming under water. After this, there were more sightings in this area.

A dead body of a mermaid was found in Marina Beach in 2005 after Tsunami hit the coastal state. It is said that the corpse is preserved in the Egmore museum.

But the most famous mermaid sighting was in Kiryat Yam in Israel in 2009. Several natives have claimed to have seen mermaids; so many tourists come near the coast trying to take a photo of one. As there was so much buzz, the mayor announced a prize of 1 million dollars to anyone who could prove that mermaids were real. 

In my opinion, mermaids exist but they are not as we think they are, they don’t want to be exposed so they don’t let themselves be seen. Now, do you really believe in them? Tell me your opinions in the comments down below.

See you, kisses.


  1. I have always wanted to see one mermaid, but everyone said they don't exist. How do they know? It is like unicorns, nobody has demonstrated that they really exist, but, Has somebody demonstrated that they don't exist? Actually, no. Definetly, I believe in mermaids.

  2. I think it is a very interesting article because I also think the same, why they shouldn´t exist.. it is a big mistery

  3. I think they do exist. However, humans have always exagerated things. It would be a nice discovery if some evidences were found, or some shoking experience happen that could proof their existence.
    Dont you think the same?

  4. Before reading the article I thought that mermaids didn't exist. However, now that I know that there are people who say they have seen one and there are so many researches, who knows? Maybe these mythological creatures are swimming under the sea and we have no idea about their existence.

  5. I think mermaids were created to attract tourism and to earn money, like many other legends.

  6. I dont think they exist because all the evidences are sights or skeletons that later were not found. May be these people had hallucinations or they just wanted attention.

  7. I believe in mermaids, but, how does their body works? Have they guills or something similar to swim long periods under water?

  8. I believe in mermaids, but, how does their body works? Have they guills or something similar to swim long periods under water?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't really know if I believe in mermaids because, how can you trust what those people said? Is there any evidence to prove that?
